- The family atmosphere
- Full respect for family needs
- Respect among all employees
- The gratitude
- Flexibility
- Challenges
Make careers
Specialized in polymer extrusion since 1991
QUADRA PLAST is a leader in its field. The company is now looking for new dynamic profiles to achieve its growth objectives.
QUADRA PLAST has cultivated a good working atmosphere for its employees. Indeed, by working at QUADRA PLAST, you will benefit from flexible hours as well as many advantages (RRSP, insurance, etc.).
- Company in constant development
- Interesting PVA special projects
- Continuing education – C/M and supervisor positions to be filled
Our advantages

Bonus plan

Permanent positions

Collective insurance

Office job with telecommuting possibilities

Day and night shifts
Employment available
- Extrusion Machine Operator
- Production Assistant
- Designer/ Project Manager (Solid Works / Autocad)
- Maintenance Technician

What employees value most
Our advantages

Accessible business
Located at the corner of 640 and 15 North
Parking available
Connection for electric vehicles
Parking available
Connection for electric vehicles

Casual business attire
Polos/T-shirts, shoes, boots and (prescription) safety glasses provided

Gym membership

30+ years of expertise

10% annual capacity growth since 2019

Wide working hours
Monday to Friday, weekends
Day and night shifts
Guaranteed overtime
Day and night shifts
Guaranteed overtime

Complete insurance plan
Dental, illness, life, vision, disability, etc.

Compensatory leave and vacation

Various training
Operational challenges and development

Corporate events
Social activities
Social contributions and charitable activities
Lunches, hockey tickets, etc

Group RRSP and Profit Sharing Plans

Above market salary
(comparable position)